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3 MIN READ - The Cautious Optimism Correspondent for
Economic Affairs and Other Egghead stuff never tires of recounting both the
tragedies and comedic bunglings of Marxist socialism and communism. With Bernie
Sanders—himself a sympathizer to Marxist regimes in Cuba, Chavista Venezuela,
Sandinista Nicaragua, and the old Soviet Union—making a strong but fading run
for the Democratic presidential nomination, it’s time to delve back into
CO readers may already be familiar with the Ukrainian
During the 1930’s, while the United States was struggling to
recover from the Great Depression, Josef Stalin’s Soviet Union was experiencing
what American University history professor Peter Kuznick describes as an
“economic boom.”
Well, not exactly.
During that "economic boom"—specifically
1932-1933—4 to 6 million Ukrainians starved to death as well as several million
more ethnic minorities in Soviet satellite states such as Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, Georgia, and Western Siberia.
This was on top of the Russian famine of 1921 that killed
another estimated 5 million.
Stalin had pressed for nearly all the country’s resources to
be sacrificed for the development of prestigious heavy industries such as steel
and electrification—and later the military and a nuclear weapons program—while
the average Soviet citizen’s welfare was sacrificed for the glory of scientific
His reforms to “dekulakize” the farms—that is, denounce
landowning farmers as class enemies, tear them away from their farms, and force
all peasants into huge, state-run agricultural collectives—resulted in falling
agricultural output. Then when the kulak peasants resisted, he sent the Red
Army and secret police into Ukraine to enforce a program of class liquidation
that deliberately starved millions to death before they submitted to his
Sorry Professor Kuznick, booming economies don't produce
mass famines.
Nevertheless, Stalin remained committed to proving the
superiority of communism to his people and in a strange twist recruited an
American movie for help.
In 1940 Hollywood produced John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of
Wrath” starring Henry Fonda, from a novel that portrayed the plight of American
farmers who had been impoverished by the calamity of the Great Depression.
Steinbeck, a communist sympathizer at the time, painted a picture of the
suffering proletariat exploited by California and Midwest agricultural
capitalists. Uncle Joe saw the perfect narrative for an anti-Americanizing
propaganda campaign.
Western movies were generally prohibited in Stalin’s USSR.
Lavrentiy Beria's NKVD—the brutal predecessor to the “more humane” KGB—strictly
controlled information about the outside world while party newspapers
circulated false depictions of superior Soviet living standards.
Given the importance of preserving the lie of Soviet
prosperity, Stalin viewed foreign films as “subversive” and the last thing he
wanted was for his own people to get a glimpse of true American or Western
European lifestyles.
But a chance to showcase an American movie that actually
painted its own people as poor, struggling, suffering victims at the hands of
the capitalist class? As VintageNews writer Nikola Budanovic notes, “Uncle Joe
thought that a film which the Americans label as ‘socialist’ must be
heaven-sent in the largest and most influential socialist state of the time.”
By 1948 the temporary alliance with Britain and the U.S.
against Nazi Germany was long dissolved and Cold War was underway. The Great
Depression had also long since ended and America was enjoying a postwar
economic boom, but that didn’t matter. The right moment had arrived.
Stalin’s secret police arranged free showings of “The Grapes
of Wrath” all across the country—renamed "The Road to Wrath" to
remove the title's religious reference.
This clever maneuver, where America’s own films would be
turned against it, would be the propaganda triumph Stalin had coveted.
However after a few weeks of screenings Stalin and his NKVD
realized Steinbeck’s story was having the opposite effect on Russian viewers.
Yes, seeing the Joad family’s crops turn to dust and the clan
lose its farm were misfortunes that Russian audiences could sympathize
with—even identify with—even if Russian property was confiscated by the
Communist Party, not a private bank whose loan wasn’t being repaid.
But Russians were astounded when they saw a family of common
farmers owned a house—even temporarily—far more lavish than anything they could
ever hope to live in. Americans could afford rifles, shotguns, and other
firearms and were even allowed to keep them?
And most of all the Joads owned a car that they hopped in
and drove to California! In their eyes the Joads were unimaginably rich,
possessing wealth on the same level as the Moscow party bosses.
Who would have ever thought, they asked, that in America
when poor people’s crops die and they lose their farms that they can just pack
their vast belongings into the car and drive cross-country to find better
Far from convincing Russians that the United States was an
empire of poor proletariat masses being crushed under the boot of capitalist
exploitation, “The Grapes of Wrath” unmasked a stark contrast between America’s
allegedly oppressed poorest—whose lifestyles appeared regal to Russian
viewers—and the far more miserable existence of communist life.
Stalin ordered the film pulled within weeks.
His “Grapes of Wrath” debacle is one of a long list of
farcical propaganda mistakes the communists made over the decades, and it would
bring us all even more laughter if not for the epic tragedy that communism
wrought upon the Soviet people for nearly seventy years.
To read more on the multiple famines of the Lenin and Stalin
eras, go to: