CO recently ran a Bloomberg story on Texas shale's impact on both OPEC's energy exports to the United States and OPEC's share of the world crude oil and natural gas market.
Archived articles from the Cautious Optimism Correspondent for Economic Affairs and Other Egghead Stuff
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
A Visual of Shale Oil's Impact on American Imports
CO recently ran a Bloomberg story on Texas shale's impact on both OPEC's energy exports to the United States and OPEC's share of the world crude oil and natural gas market.
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Lessons from the Great Depression: What Really Started the Great Depression? (Part 3 of 3)
Click here to read the original Cautious Optimism Facebook post with comments
10 MIN READ - The Cautious Optimism Correspondent for Economic Affairs and Other Egghead Stuff concludes his series on what really started the Great Depression. Monetary policy wonks, goldbugs and economic history buffs will be gripped by the collapse of the 1925-31 European gold-exchange standard and the subsequent deflation’s role in enabling the rise of fascism.
In Part 2 we described the new gold-exchange standard that Britain invented to replace the traditional classical gold standard that had governed global trade for nearly half a century. We conclude with Britain’s monetary subjugation of Europe, the collapse of the new gold-exchange standard after only six years, and the subsequent lessons that were willfully unlearned by the postwar economics profession.
Note: The Cautious Optimism Economics Correspondent credits the late Professor Murray Rothbard for much of the content in this article.
Those who wish to learn more about the ill-fated gold-exchange standard can read Rothbard's 1963 book "A History of Money and Banking in the United States" in Chapter 4: "The Gold-Exchange Standard in the Interwar Years," available free online at the Ludwig von Mises Institute's website.
10 MIN READ - The Cautious Optimism Correspondent for Economic Affairs and Other Egghead Stuff concludes his series on what really started the Great Depression. Monetary policy wonks, goldbugs and economic history buffs will be gripped by the collapse of the 1925-31 European gold-exchange standard and the subsequent deflation’s role in enabling the rise of fascism.
In Part 2 we described the new gold-exchange standard that Britain invented to replace the traditional classical gold standard that had governed global trade for nearly half a century. We conclude with Britain’s monetary subjugation of Europe, the collapse of the new gold-exchange standard after only six years, and the subsequent lessons that were willfully unlearned by the postwar economics profession.
As Britain engineered its novel gold-exchange standard to
foist paper pounds sterling on Europe as a substitute for traditional gold
reserves, the plan’s architects brushed aside economists who appropriately
called the plan a paper-hybrid standard.
But while dismissing academics and dissenting policy critics
was one thing, convincing European governments to go along with the
gold-exchange standard was another matter (see Part 2 to learn about the
gold-exchange standard). Much of Europe would demand a return to the more
honest classical gold standard and prefer to redeem in tangible reserves
instead of hoarding British paper obligations which could be produced without
The British Treasury’s Ralph Hawtrey and Bank of England
Governor Montagu Norman were called upon to overcome the international
political obstacles.
Due to its status as a wartime creditor to many
near-bankrupt European nations and its influential position heading the League
of Nations Financial Committee, Great Britain relentlessly strongarmed over
thirty countries into accepting gold-exchange including Germany, Austria,
Hungary, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, and
Portugal to name a few. Hawtrey worked out the technical details during the
1922 Genoa financial conference while Norman pressured finance ministers and
his counterparts at other central banks. Paris reluctantly went along, with
Bank of France Governor Emile Moreau complaining in his diary that:
“England having been the first European country to reestablish a stable and secure money has used that advantage to establish a basis for putting Europe under a veritable financial domination. The Financial Committee at Geneva has been that policy. The method consists of forcing every country in monetary difficulty to subject itself to the Committee at Geneva, which the British control. The remedies prescribed always involve the installation in the central bank of a foreign supervisor who is British or designated by the Bank of England, which serves both to support the pound and to fortify British influence… … The currencies [of Europe] will be divided into two classes. Those of the first class, the dollar and pound sterling, based on gold, and those of the second class, based on the pound or the dollar.”
The final formality was to gain approval from Parliament and
His Majesty’s Government.
In one of his famous policy dinners Chancellor of the
Exchequer Winston Churchill was persuaded by Hawtrey, Keynes, and banking and
commercial interests of the benefits of the new gold-bullion-exchange standard.
Churchill, never sophisticated in financial and economic matters, deferred to
the experts; pleased to hear only that the British pound would soon be returned
to international pre-eminence.
The pound officially went back on gold at the old prewar par
of $4.86 under the British 1925 Gold Standard Act although the new
gold-bullion-exchange standard was a gold standard in name only, bearing almost
no resemblance to the classical gold coin standard that had preceded it and
devoid of the traditional rules that had previously imposed anti-inflationary
checks on governments and central banks for centuries. As Austrian economist
Murray Rothbard eloquently summarized Britain’s new policy:
“They were attempting to clothe themselves in the prestige of gold while trying to avoid its anti-inflationary discipline. They went back, not to the classical gold standard, but to a bowdlerized and essentially sham version of that venerable standard.”
Thus British policymakers believed they had shirked all the
deflationary consequences of returning to gold at the old par of $4.86 while
successfully pursuing a contradictory policy of persistent inflation. European
trading partners were effectively bullied into accumulating pound sterling
liabilities and treating them as equal to gold.
Over the next several years the Bank of England would pursue
a consistently inflationary monetary policy, its paper liabilities piling up
ever higher in the central banks of Europe—liabilities that it was hopelessly
ill-equipped to redeem should financial distress strike one day. And those
liabilities, serving as a reserve “equal to gold” on the continent, induced
another layer of inflation in Europe itself. Other governments found themselves
flush with new paper reserves to pyramid their own domestic banknote and demand
deposits upon.
Little did Britain know how soon the day of reckoning—when
they would be asked to make good on their unworkable promises—would come and
that its own inflationary policies would help bring it about, but for now
Threadneedle Street was content to keep the printing presses rolling.
However there remained one major trading partner that
refused to treat sterling as a reserve and stubbornly insisted on gold
redemption. As Britain continued to inflate and its exports became more
expensive on the world market, sterling liabilities promptly returned from that
country’s uncooperative central bank demanding prompt conversion and sustaining
Britain’s chronic gold drains.
That troublesome country was the United States, and in
British eyes something had to be done to solve the so-called American problem.
Thus Montagu Norman would appeal to his old friend New York Federal Reserve
Governor Benjamin Strong for a favor: to engineer a major Fed intervention to
assist Great Britain.
Thus Montagu Norman traveled to New York and convinced his friend
and colleague Benjamin Strong to launch the aggressive Fed QE campaign of
1927-1928 to raise American prices aside Britain’s in an attempt to curb its
trade deficits (see Part 1 of this series for more on the New York Fed’s
The ruse worked. It balanced trade flows between the two
nations, but as Alan Greenspan wrote in 1966:
“It [the Fed’s QE] stopped the gold loss, but it nearly destroyed the economies of the world in the process. The excess credit which the Fed pumped into the economy spilled over into the stock market, triggering a fantastic speculative boom.”
We all know the boom led to the famous crash in October of
1929 which coincided with America entering recession that same summer.
Europe, also dealing with the consequences of gold-exchange
inflation, fell into recession shortly thereafter and central banks which had
accumulated enormous sterling liabilities began to approach the Bank of England
to cash in some of their credits. But London had inflated far beyond any
credible capacity to redeem its sterling liabilities (that was the whole point
of the gold-exchange standard it had foisted upon Europe), and even modest
claims on gold would quickly drain its woefully inadequate reserves.
In August of 1931 Bank of France Governor Emile Moreau
sought to redeem some of his country’s vast sterling balances which by then
constituted one-fifth of France’s monetary reserves and a full two-thirds of
Britain’s entire gold holdings. Montagu Norman, knowing full well that his
central bank would be bankrupted if only two or three major central banks
converted their sterling balances, resisted Moreau and threatened to
devalue the pound if France went through with its demands. Norman even lectured
Moreau that more sterling was actually good (!) for France. Moreau backed down
and trimmed his remittance calls.
On September 18, 1931 Bank of Netherlands Governor Gerard
Vissering also expressed concerns about rising sterling balances. Montagu
Norman cajoled his old friend into abstaining and assured him the Bank of
England would remain on the gold standard “at all costs.”
But even the slowed pace of redemption was enough to alarm
Bank of England directors and British policymakers. The quantity of liabilities
they had printed simply overwhelmed their tangible gold reserves which were
quickly evaporating. Britain was reaping the consequences of the European inflation
that she herself had promoted.
On September 20th, two days after Norman assured the
Netherlands that he would uphold the gold standard forever, the Bank of England
suspended gold convertibility and promptly devalued. For the first time in its
237 year history, Great Britain failed to make good on a peacetime pledge to
fully redeem its notes and deposits in gold to resolve balance of payments (its
own citizens lost that right for good in 1925).
Britain could have avoided all the tragedy if, at the end of
the Great War, she had simply accepted the historic policy options of
devaluation or deflation instead of adopting the gold-exchange standard to
pursue the contradictory policy goals of prewar gold convertibility and
constant inflation. And even as late as 1931 as its gold reserves were falling,
the Bank of England could still have salvaged the gold standard by raising
interest rates to stop the inflation and attract more deposits. But
proto-Keynesian cheap money theories had by then conquered domestic politics
and Britain was wedded to an inflation-at-all-costs policy. Hence she took the
easy-out of virtual bankruptcy and Europe was plunged into monetary chaos.
As the economy slowed in Europe and bank failures
multiplied—including the spectacular collapse of Austria’s
Kreditanstalt—European citizens began to withdraw cash and gold from the
system. Given the scale of the preceding inflation, and the short supply of
gold due in part to Britain’s refusal to meet its redemption commitments, a
continuous drain of reserves from the financial system precipitated painful
deflations across the continent. In one of the more consequential cases the
German Brüning deflation of the early 1930’s produced high unemployment and
fertile economic ground for the rise of Nazism. While historians famously blame
the Versailles Treaty for Hitler’s ascendancy, the truth is Britain’s own
interwar monetary policy was equally or even more culpable.
Facing harsh deflations which, given Britain’s gold default,
governments were unable to stem or reverse, European central banks went off
gold one by one and launched a series of competitive devaluations, the last
being France in 1936.
The United States, which held the world’s largest gold
reserves and had not participated in the ruinous gold-exchange scheme, could
have remained on gold and avoided Great Depression with proficient monetary
policy from its entrusted Federal Reserve governors. However, nearly criminally
negligent incompetence at the Fed led to a series of spectacular banking panics
in 1930, 1931, and 1933 (nearly 10,000 American banks failed in total) and the
U.S. went off gold in April of 1933. That is another story for a future column
on American monetary policy during the Great Depression.
And so the gold standard as the world had known it died in
the early 1930’s.
Sadly, even the lessons of the sorry affair were soon to be
lost or deliberately covered up. In the 1947 edition his book “The Gold
Standard in Theory in Practice” Ralph Hawtrey, co-architect of gold-exchange
himself, explained that…
“The cause of the failure of the gold standard was simple. It was the appreciation of the value of gold in terms of wealth [ie. deflation]. Gold had not supplied a stable unit for the measurement of values.”
…without making any reference to the fatal flaw within the
gold-exchange ploy itself: that it spurred British inflation that necessarily
would reverse itself into painful deflation the moment a few central banks lost
confidence in Britain’s ability to make good on its pledges.
Contemporary mainstream economists, mostly apologists for
fiat money and staunch gold opponents, bemoan that the gold standard “failed”
in the 1930’s or that “the gold standard caused the Great Depression.” Ben
Bernanke writes on his Brookings Institute blog that:
“The gold standard of the 1920’s was brought down by the failure of surplus countries to participate equally in the adjustment process.” [ie. inadequate central bank cooperation]
Aside from the fact that central bank cooperation was not
required under the traditional classical gold standard, anyone familiar with
the pre-1931 European gold-exchange standard and the 1927 New York agreement
can see the core problem was not failure by European central banks to abstain
from cashing in their legal claims on gold. Rather the 1920’s gold standard was
brought down by its own perverse design: a “managed” sham of a gold-exchange
standard that replaced gold with unlimited quantities of paper and freed
Britain to issue far more banknote and deposit liabilities than she could ever
possibly repay.
Thus to blame “the gold standard” is to embrace a fallacious
misnomer, just as it would be a grave error to argue “commercial aviation failed”
after central banks removed engines, wings, and landing gear from jetliners
while they were in midair flight.
George Mason University’s pro-gold economist Lawrence H.
White has more astutely noted that...
“The interwar period shows us a case where central banks—not the gold standard—ran the show.”
“Several authors identify genuine historical problems that they blame on the gold standard, when they should instead blame central banks for having contravened the gold standard.”
And more forthright is prominent Austrian economist Ludwig
von Mises who wrote in 1965:
“The gold standard did not fail. Governments deliberately sabotaged it, and still go on sabotaging it.”
Note: The Cautious Optimism Economics Correspondent credits the late Professor Murray Rothbard for much of the content in this article.
Those who wish to learn more about the ill-fated gold-exchange standard can read Rothbard's 1963 book "A History of Money and Banking in the United States" in Chapter 4: "The Gold-Exchange Standard in the Interwar Years," available free online at the Ludwig von Mises Institute's website.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Golden Comments: Paul Krugman Teaches Economics and Society at Masterclass
Click here to read the original Cautious Optimism Facebook post with comments
While the Cautious Optimism Economics Correspondent could
devote a fulltime job to covering the cornucopia of Paul Krugman's gaffes,
errors, and fallacies, he will confine himself to just two observations:
1) Reading the comments under the Paul Krugman MasterClass
post is some of this year’s best free entertainment (simply click on the video link below and see comments underneath).
2) The “fee” for gaining Krugman’s razor-sharp insights is a
steep $180 per year or $90 per lesson. Which confirms he needs some major cash
to cover the large stock market short position he took on election night 2016.
Friday, November 9, 2018
Lessons from the Great Depression: What Really Started the Great Depression? (Part 2 of 3)
Click here to read the original Cautious Optimism Facebook post with comments
10 MIN READ - The Cautious Optimism Correspondent for Economic Affairs and Other Egghead Stuff continues with his analysis of what really started the Great Depression. Or what he modestly refers to as "the most important chapter in the world history of money."
In Part 1 we outlined the rules governing the international classical gold standard up to 1914 and foreshadowed the means by which bad monetary policy led to its demise while setting the stage for the beginning of the Great Depression. We continue now with the end of the classical gold standard and the sham paperized “gold-exchange” standard that replaced it in the 1920’s.
10 MIN READ - The Cautious Optimism Correspondent for Economic Affairs and Other Egghead Stuff continues with his analysis of what really started the Great Depression. Or what he modestly refers to as "the most important chapter in the world history of money."
In Part 1 we outlined the rules governing the international classical gold standard up to 1914 and foreshadowed the means by which bad monetary policy led to its demise while setting the stage for the beginning of the Great Depression. We continue now with the end of the classical gold standard and the sham paperized “gold-exchange” standard that replaced it in the 1920’s.
The outbreak of World War I ended the idyllic global
classical gold standard arrangement. As with all large-scale wars, the
belligerent governments went off the gold standard and freed their central
banks to inflate aggressively as a means to finance war expenditures without
the level of taxation that would otherwise be required. The only participant
country that remained on gold was the United States, in part because it entered
the war later. But even the U.S. government imposed a ban on international gold
exports, so for all practical purposes the U.S. was on an exclusively domestic
gold standard.
As the war dragged on, European governments inflated
profusely and the value of their currencies plummeted. By the time of the
Treaty of Versailles so much unbacked paper money had been manufactured that
the British pound had lost 35% of its prewar value. But that loss was nothing
compared to the French franc (-64%), Belgian franc (-62%), Italian lira (-71%),
and German mark which had depreciated by 96% even before the Weimar
Given the enormous increase in paper money and demand
deposit balances in Europe, it was practically impossible for most nations to
return to the gold standard at their prewar pars for that would require a sharp
deflationary contraction of prices. Also many had gone heavily into debt to the
United States (Great Britain being a major debtor) and to Great Britain (most
European allies) meaning that there would be large gold drains to come.
Soon-to-be depleted gold reserves could simply not support the inflated money
supply if each unit of money was to serve as a claim on the prewar gold weight.
So European countries took the only option available to
them: they returned their currencies to gold but at a sharply lower unit weight
definition (ie. devaluation). Permanent devaluation was the formal nail in the
coffin that consummated the inflationary tax imposed on European citizens to
pay for the Great War, but there was really no other option other than going
off gold completely.
The two exceptions were Great Britain and of course the
United States (we’ll overlook Canada from the discussion as it was a unique
case). The United States, despite inflating heavily itself to finance wartime
expenditures, still had sufficient gold reserves to redeem at 1/20th of an
ounce to the dollar throughout. Great Britain was a more complex problem and
chose an ill-advised workaround solution that would sow the seeds for what
would become the Great Depression.
Great Britain was determined to return the pound sterling to
gold at the prewar par in an attempt to recapture her status as the world’s
financial center from New York. But given such an inflated money supply she
faced a difficult choice. Her two options were:
-Maintain the current money supply by returning to gold at a
devalued par, but blemish the pound’s international reputation.
-Return to gold at the more prestigious prewar par and
accept painful deflation back to the prewar money supply.
Devaluation would certainly compromise Britain’s attempts to
leapfrog New York as the world’s financial capital and was quickly ruled out.
But could she return to gold at the prewar par and endure the accompanying
deflation and likely recession?
Yes. After the Napoleonic Wars Great Britain returned to
gold at the 1797 par and the result was a contraction of the money supply as
commercial banks and the Bank of England were forced to contract credit to
realign paper claims with actual gold reserves. The contraction produced a
painful recession followed by a long period of stable expansion. The United
States had taken the same medicine after the War of 1812, the Civil War, and
even the deflationary Depression of 1920-21.
But the British political landscape was notably changed by
the 1920’s. Trade unions, emboldened by Labour policies, resisted falling wages
even if the overall price level fell accordingly and resulted in no real
change. National unemployment insurance now empowered workers to ride out
prolonged joblessness and thus refuse to accept jobs with lower nominal but
unchanged real wages.
And a new generation of economists berated the evils of
deflation and espoused the virtues of inflation—among them Ralph Hawtrey and
John Maynard Keynes—both products of Cambridge (ironically neither Hawtrey nor
Keynes ever earned an economics degree). In the eyes of British policymakers a
solution had to be found that allowed Britain to return to gold at the old
$4.86 par, but without accepting the politically problematic deflation.
It was Hawtrey and Keynes who would devise, foster, and
successfully effectuate the solution.
First, Britain would return not to the traditional gold-coin
standard, whereby holders of banknotes and demand deposits could redeem their
pounds in small denomination coins. Rather, the British government would
mandate that all gold be centralized at the Bank of England, melted down into
large gold bars of at least 400 ounces weight, and that gold redemptions must
convert to a minimum amount of one bar of gold bullion. Hence, the gold-coin
standard, the product of the previously more laissez-faire system, was replaced
with a gold-bullion standard.
The desired effect of the gold-bullion standard was clear:
The overwhelming bulk of British citizens were simply not wealthy enough to
afford gold redemptions of that size. 400 ounces was the equivalent of 1,549
pounds in the 1920’s, an astronomical sum at the time. To put it into perspective,
today a 400 ounce bar of gold bullion is worth approximately $500,000 in U.S.
currency. Thus the number of American citizens who have the spare cash lying
around to convert a minimum of $500,000 to gold is completely negligible from a
policy standpoint—which was the whole objective of adopting bullion over coin:
to disqualify the bulk of the populous from ever redeeming.
Therefore under gold bullion, the Bank of England would not
have to devalue and in fact could continue with a policy of inflating even
more pound banknotes and credit atop the same insufficient reserves of gold.
For, as the thinking went, gold reserves would no longer be insufficient given
that nearly all British citizens would be unable to exercise their legal rights
and the central bank’s gold would go mostly unclaimed.
By 1925 the façade was ended completely and British citizens
were legally prohibited from redeeming their money into gold at all, freeing
the Bank of England completely from a huge disciplinary obstacle that had kept
it in check during the classical gold standard era.
Now Britain’s only remaining concern was overseas holders of pound sterling liabilities—the greatest of whom were central banks.
Now Britain’s only remaining concern was overseas holders of pound sterling liabilities—the greatest of whom were central banks.
For that problem, Hawtrey and Keynes recommended another
rule-skirting solution: Britain would replace the old classical gold
standard—where overseas holders of paper pound sterling notes or demand deposit
balances could convert those liabilities into gold—with a new “gold-exchange”
The gold-exchange standard was a cunning ruse designed to
circumvent the discipline of the classical gold standard by replacing gold
reserves with paper pound sterling reserves. Under this new system the Bank of
England would inflate pound banknote and demand deposit balances atop its centralized
gold reserves.
Unsurprisingly the resulting price inflation would continue
to induce more imports than exports and British pounds would still flow
overseas. But instead of its trading partners redeeming their accumulated
sterling balances to the Bank of England for gold, the countries of continental
Europe would be pressured to accept pounds sterling as “equal to gold” and use
the paper liabilities as a pseudo-gold base to inflate their own paper
Although European central banks could technically redeem
their sterling balances for gold, the gold-exchange standard allowed their
governments to augment their own depleted gold reserves with a paper substitute
and pursue their own inflation. This way Britain could have its inflationary cake
and eat it too, printing more pounds without losing gold overseas—effectively
“exporting” its inflation and short-circuiting the Hume price-specie-flow
market mechanism (see part 1 to review David Hume’s price-specie-flow system).
Hard money opponents of the scheme quipped that a
gold-bullion-exchange system that substituted paper reserves for gold ones was
really no gold standard at all. But they were swiftly brushed aside by the
plan’s architects including Keynes who had long argued that...
“A preference for a tangible reserve currency is… …a relic of a time when governments were less trustworthy in these matters than they are now.”
-Keynes, Indian Currency and Finance
In the third and final chapter of this article we will
review the consequences of the British
pound-sterling-bullion-international-gold-exchange standard when European
central banks all ran for the exits in 1931.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Lessons from the Great Depression: What Really Started the Great Depression? (Part 1 of 3)
No, it wasn't income inequality which was just a symptom of the real cause: bad monetary policy—this time with urging from Great Britain.
Click here to read the original Cautious Optimism Facebook post with comments
10 MIN READ - The Cautious Optimism Correspondent for Economic Affairs and other Egghead Stuff continues his series on the Great Depression addressing the pesky and poorly understood question of what started the whole sorry affair.
Click here to read the original Cautious Optimism Facebook post with comments
10 MIN READ - The Cautious Optimism Correspondent for Economic Affairs and other Egghead Stuff continues his series on the Great Depression addressing the pesky and poorly understood question of what started the whole sorry affair.
Meeting in the New York Federal Reserve Building, the heads
of the world’s four largest central banks convened to discuss a major policy
change in the new era of international monetary cooperation. Attending were:
Benjamin Strong—Governor of the New York Federal Reserve
Montagu Norman—Governor of the Bank of England
Hjalmar Schacht—Governor of the German Reichsbank
Charles Rist—Deputy Governor of the Bank of France
The American governor Strong and his British counterpart
Norman surprised their French and German opposite numbers with a startling
announcement: the Federal Reserve would launch an aggressive asset purchase and
quantitative easing campaign, effectively bolstering U.S. inflation in an
effort to curtail Great Britain’s chronic trade deficits with the United
The meeting itself was a fait accompli, a mere formality
since the decision had long since been agreed upon between Strong and
Norman—close working associates and personal friends. Germany’s Schacht and
France’s Rist, hard-money advocates who preferred adherence to the traditional
workings of the pre-WWI classical gold standard with minimal state
interference, were shaken by the development which they viewed as potentially
destabilizing to the international monetary system. But powerless to do
anything about it they reluctantly agreed—at which point Strong turned to Rist
and excitedly proclaimed:
“I’m going to give a little coup de whiskey to the [U.S.] stock market!”
Strong kept his word. In the eighteen months that ensued the
Federal Reserve expanded its balance sheet from $1.175 billion to $1.824
billion—an increase of 55%—and the U.S. money supply ballooned at its fastest
rate of the entire 1920’s decade.
Newly created money and bank credit quickly spilled over
into asset markets and fueled speculation as the Dow Jones Industrial Average
advanced from an alltime high of 175.35 in early July 1927 to 386.10 in
September 1929, a stunning advance of over 120% in just 26 months. Real estate
speculation pushed commercial and particularly residential property prices into
record territory. Cheap credit spawned irrational business investment projects
such as factory overexpansion and competitive groundbreakings for “world’s
tallest building” in New York City.
And the rich (who by definition own assets) got a lot richer
while the poor (who by definition don’t own assets) saw only meager gains. Thus
wealth inequality—which today’s progressives are so obsessed with and claim in
and of itself causes recessions—widened due to the central bank induced inflow
of money. The climax of the Roaring Twenties was underway.
Oddly enough, since most of the new money flooded into asset
speculation the wholesale and consumer price indexes signaled subdued
inflation. Fooled by what appeared to be only moderate price pressures,
America’s greatest contemporary economist Irving Fisher concluded that the U.S.
economy had entered a new era of prosperity, famously declaring in the New York
Times that “Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high
plateau” on October 21, 1929—six days before the Black Tuesday crash.
Misled by holes in his own Quantity Theory of Money, it was
a mistake that Irving’s Monetarist successors would go on to make decades
later, including the great Milton Friedman himself who saw no inflation problems in 2005 and declared
"The stability of our economy is greater than it has ever been in our
history. We really are in remarkable shape.”
But back to the 1920’s. Benjamin Strong, who had always
suffered from poor health, died from tuberculosis in October of 1928 leaving it
to his successor George L. Harrison to wind up the Fed’s easing campaign at the
end of the year, tightening credit and raising interest rates in 1929. Starved
of plentiful new money to fuel the credit boom the economy began to sink into
recession by the summer of 1929, and dangerously overvalued asset market
bubbles began to burst, culminating with the famous stock market crash in
The 1927 secret meeting is only known to us because Charles
Rist wrote of it in his personal diaries. And the Fed as policy culprit rings
with depressing familiarity of other such episodes in economic history. But the
story behind the 1927 Fed QE decision is truly unique among history’s
credit-induced tragedies. Its origins ultimately laid the groundwork that
dragged two continents into a cataclysmic monetary collapse that transformed
what should have been just another credit-fueled recession (in the tradition of
1819, 1825, 1837, 1857, 1873, 1893, 1907, and 1921) into the Great Depression.
And the ill-fated joint decision by the Federal Reserve and
Bank of England would prove so fatal that it would force the world off the
centuries-long venerable gold standard only a few short years later—ironically
because Strong and Norman attempted to “cheat” with policies that the
traditional gold standard would never have allowed.
This column tells that story, because it’s impossible to
truly understand what started the Great Depression and particularly why its
severity and duration were so unprecedented without grasping its unique
monetary policy origins.
To understand why Great Britain asked for inflationary
assistance from the Federal Reserve in 1927 it’s essential to revisit the
global economy before 1914 when the industrialized world operated under the
19th century classical gold standard (roughly 1870-1914 with Britain first to
adopt it de jure in 1816 and the United States last in 1879).
Under the classical gold standard, every country’s currency
was defined as a unit weight of gold. For example, the U.S. dollar was not a
piece of paper but rather the dollar was literally about 1/20th an ounce of
gold—or 23.22 grains of gold to be exact. The British pound sterling was
defined as approximately 1/4th an ounce of gold or 113.00 grains. Francs,
marks, lira, etc… were also literally unit weights of gold. Paper banknotes and
demand deposit balances were simply claims on dollars, pounds, francs, etc… hence
why old banknotes of the 19th century bore the promise “Will pay the bearer on
demand five dollars.”
Because both the dollar and the pound were defined as unit
weights of gold, the “exchange rate” between the two was fixed. And since one
pound sterling contained 4.86 times more gold than one dollar, the pound
sterling equaled $4.86—an exchange rate that had been unchanged since the U.S.
Coinage Act of 1834.
Another important attribute of the classical gold standard
was that any institution that issued paper banknotes or demand deposit balances
(usually created when that institution loaned money) was obligated to convert
those notes or deposits on demand in gold coin. In the U.S. that commonly meant
gold eagle coins equal to $20 in gold, or in Britain the gold sovereign
containing one pound sterling equivalent in gold. Other countries’ currencies
followed the same rules.
The constant threat of on-demand redemption by all holders
of paper liabilities was critical as it kept issuing institutions “honest.” That
is, whether they were commercial banks—as was the case in the USA and Canada—or
central banks such as the Bank of England, the threat of redemption served as a
natural check against overissuance or overexpansion of credit.
The handful of pre-WWI examples of irresponsible
overexpansion by banks were virtually always the consequence of government
intervention overturning private redemption contracts such as legally
suspending gold convertibility (Great Britain during the Napoleonic Wars
1797-1825, USA during the War of 1812 from 1812-1815) or attempts to substitute
government paper for gold (USA: “Greenback” paper money during the Civil War).
But in the relatively free and undisturbed periods of money and banking,
institutions were kept in check by market forces that prevented inflationary
The same rules applied to entire nations. If one country’s
commercial banks or central bank printed too many banknotes or created too much
demand deposit checkbook money (ie. inflation), prices would rise in that
country and, given fixed exchange rates, competing imported products became
cheaper. Consumers in the inflating country would buy more imports, sending
their currency (say in this case, British pounds) overseas. The receiving
country (say, France) had little use for pounds and would submit them for
redemption to the Bank of England and gold would flow across the Channel.
With its gold reserves diminishing, the British banking
system would be forced to end its overexpansion or even contract, and prices
would fall back into line. Conversely, with French gold reserves rising the
resulting increase the money supply would make French products more expensive
leading to higher British imports and an equilibrium would ensue.
Scottish philosopher David Hume observed this phenomenon and
wrote about it in the 1750’s. The tendency for freely moving international
commerce to put a check on overexpansion of money and credit vis-à-vis a
country’s gold reserves has been known since as the Hume price-specie-flow mechanism.
And under this self-regulating international monetary system—even with
occasional destabilizing interventions by governments—the world saw an
explosion in wealth creation and international trade. For example worldwide
foreign investment rose from 7% of GDP in 1870 to 18% of GDP in 1914 (NBER:
Estevadeordal, Frantz, Taylor). That’s a near tripling not of foreign
investment, but of its share of world GDP. Since world GDP rose by
approximately 147% during the same period (A. Madison), total foreign investment
rose by 530% in just 44 years.
The same is true of total world trade. From 1870 to 1914
global trade rose from 10% of GDP to 21%, or in absolute terms an increase of
419%. And these gains were accompanied by a dramatic decline in major European wars
during the latter half of the 19th century and early 20th century.
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